House of Neda is a micro residency program in Brooklyn, NY for LGBTQ people from Croatia and countries in the Balkan region.
This program is created for cis women and trans, intersex, and non-binary people who work as artists or researchers in the field of visual arts in the Balkan region.
The residency is four weeks long and organized once a year. Participants are invited to use this time to pursue their research interests, explore the city or rest. There is no obligation to produce new work or exhibition. The program covers the cost of travel, health insurance, and accommodation.
Who is Neda?
Neda is a fictional character, a gaysterbeiter*, queer immigrant. Many queer people from the Balkans share Neda’s experience. Neda’s wish is to connect queer immigrants with queer organizations in the Balkans and enable the exchange of ideas and experiences with the history of LGBTQ movements.
* gaysterbeiter = Play on the words “gay” & “gasterbeiter”. The second was/is a term to describe foreign or migrant workers, particularly those who had moved from the Balkans to Germany as part of a formal guest worker program after the 1970ies
Program Kuća Neda je rezidencijalni program u Brooklynu, NY namijenjen LGBTIQ osobama iz Hrvatske i zemlja iz regije.
Program je namjenjen ženama, trans, interseks, i ne binarnim osobama koje rade u području vizualnih umjetnosti na Balkanu.
Program se održava jednom godišnje u trajanju od četiri tjedna. Sudionici_ice su pozvani_e koristiti ovaj program za slobodno istraživanje, upoznavanje s gradom, ili odmor, bez obaveze da produciraju novi rad ili izložbu. Program pokriva pun trošak smještaja, transporta, zdravstevnog osiguranja i izdavanja vize.
Tko je Neda?
Neda je fiktivni filmski lik, gaysterbeiter*, queer imigrantkinja. Mnogi ljudi s Balkana djele Nedino iskustvo imigracije. Nedina želja je povezati queer imigrante s queer organizacijama na Balkanu i omogučiti razmjenu ideja i iskustva o povijesti LGBTQ pokreta.